Tuesday 4 November 2014

My Mentor

The person I have asked to be my mentor for this project is a man named Mark Berg. To me however, he has always just been Mr. Berg. When I was in elementary school, Mr. Berg was my sixth grade teacher. Although that was six years ago I can still remember many of the things that Mr. Berg taught me. He helped me grow so much in that one year and made me realize for the first time that my faith was something I couldn't just rely on my parents for, this was something that needed to be my own. So often Mr. Berg helped me without even realizing it. His extreme love for God and those around him always encouraged me to be better. He is an amazing man of God and his passion for learning the scriptures is absolutely incredible. I chose him as my mentor because I greatly admire his opinion and his knowledge of the Bible's teachings. I believe there is a lot more that I can learn from Mr. Berg and I am looking forward to hearing all he has to say about hope. I'm eager to learn what it means to him personally and his interpretation of what the Bible speaks about. I am also really excited just to be able to sit down and speak with him again after so many years.

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